The activities of SPRINT! encompass the entire value chain of project or investment management from the inception or validation of an investment proposal to the running of the businesses. The services have been grouped into the following categories:
- Investment and Transaction Management
- Business Reengineering
- People Development
- Strategic Marketing and Communications
- Central Government (Council of Ministers, advisors office on various matters)
- Investment and Development Agency
- Ministries of Transport and Telecommunications
- Ministries of Finance
- Ministries of Internal Affairs
- Ministries of Defence
- Ministries of Economic Development, Trade and Enterprise
- Ministries of Environment
- Local Districts and Prefectures in a decentralised economy
- Written and visual Media
- Foreign financing institutions present in Albania (EBRD, World Bank/IFC, KfW,
DEG, IMF) - Foreign diplomatic representations
The above represents at the same time the key decision-making structures as well as the future stakeholders that will play an important role in the development and implementation of the project. Our direct face-to-face contacts and cooperations with these parties in previous projects will prove an asset to the successful implementation of the project.

Sprint Energy
Investment and Transaction Management
Acquiring and/or establishing a business, be that a start up or a spin off, a merger or reengineering, SPRINT! advises and accompanies its clients through all the project stages until the new business is acquired.
A proper strategy, thorough due diligence, a full matching partner selection, a streamlined bid composition, proper communication, structured negotiations make the bidder the winner. It is exactly this constellation that SPRINT! develops and implements with the clients.
Sprint Energy
Business Reengineering
Organic growth or business diversification, new products or production lines that strengthen and lend prosperity to any business are guaranteed to succeed if properly based on business and financing case, organizational structures, standards and procedures that are sound, realistic and achievable. SPRINT! involves experienced staff to assist the clients in all these processes and ensure that both parties meet their goals to optimize and maintain the best value for the business and capital investment.