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Trade Promotions



Trade Promotions

SPRINT! is an active member of the Albanian German business community and has been one of the initiators and a founding member of the German Albanian Chamber of Commerce. SPRINT! is the official representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana for the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia and contributes to a number of events and marketing activities of the Chamber on a continuous basis.

 Apart from this, SPRINT! is a board member of the German Albanian Economic society – DAW – and supports proactively the strengthening of the economic co-operation between Albania and Germany in the field of trade and industry.

SPRINT! Marketing and Management Consulting as the lead manager of the participated in a project focused on marketing and communication of the networking of German and Albanian businesses managed by entrepreneurial women from all over Albania and sectors. The role of SPRINT Foundation was to:

  • Participate hands on in the organisation of the first conference of entrepreneurial business women
  • Prepare the communication package for the conference including brochures, conference catalogues and marketing material
  • Conceive and moderate workshops in the sector of tourism and services, banking and construction
  • Prepare the data bank for follow up of project for future events
  • Mediate contacts and information between German and Albanian managed businesses.
  • Ensure participation on a country representative scale as well as sector of business of delegates


    SPRINT! in cooperation with DAW – Deutsch Albanisch Wirtschaftsgesellschaft contributed to the successful running of the cross border  tourism development workshop that encompassed Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro. The role of SPRINT! Foundation was :

  • Participate hands on in the organisation of the workshops in Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia 
  • Marketing of the event in Albania by making use of the extensive clients database of the company
  • Organisation and participation pro actively in the workshops in the three countries.
  • In cooperation with partner companies in Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo, SPRINT! has presented proposals for the joint cross border development of the tourism, cultural heritage and environmental protection of Lake Shkodra, Ohrid and Prespa. The project is in the verification phase.
  • SPRINT! offered intensive consulting to the German Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) also operating in Albania for the promotion of the textile exporting industry of Albanian producers in the EU.
  • SPRINT! further consulted GTZ on the preparation, conceptualisation and production of the promotional materials for the first Albanian-German business day organised in Germany with the purpose of promoting trade and exchange between Germany and Albania.